The ILAC is committed to a sustainable way of working, using energy as efficiently as possible, complying with energy legislation and achieving targets in energy conservation. By 2030, we aim to be carbon neutral as a business.
The following includes projects the ILAC has carried out and are continuing to implement:
2016 - Removal of all high energy using plant and equipment
2018 - Installation of LED lighting
2018- Bee Hives on roof producing 30kgs of honey per annum

2019 Rainwater Harvested over 5.4M litres per annum
2019 Water Stewardship with Irish Water
2019 - ISO 14001 and 45001 in Environmental and Occupational Health & Safety Management
2020 - 100% of our waste diverted from landfill
2020- Upgrade of public toilets with water efficient taps and toilet flush
2020 - ISO 50001 for energy management
2020 - Solar PV system installed generating 90,000 kWh of energy per year
2021 - The installation of inverter EC pumps to the main water tanks
2021 – Waste Management and Sustainability training for all staff and tenants
2022 - Reverse Vending Machines installed
2022 – Smart water meters installed throughout
2022 - The introduction of Co2 monitoring in the malls
2022 - Biodiversity Garden created on the roof
2023 – New high efficiency Air Handling unit, over door air curtain, and Building management system throughout in 2023
2023 – Smart electrical meters installed throughout for scope 3
2023 – Air Source Heat Pump for the domestic hot water system
2023 – Removal of Natural gas in all landlord controlled areas
2023 - Ongoing review of centre equipment to ensure optimum energy efficiency
2023 – Robotic cleaning machines minimising water consumption and using night time electricity
2023 – Replacement of external logoes with 100% biodegradable signage
Energy Policy Statement
This Energy Policy Statement is to raise awareness on energy consumption and to reduce our environmental impact related to energy use. We aim to deliver on this commitment by:
Working actively on an energy reduction programme promoting energy efficiency across all activities on site and defined in the system scope.
Ensuring the energy policy is appropriate to the purpose of the organisation.
Provides a framework for setting and reviewing objectives and energy targets.
Identifying improved technologies and deploying them where practicable.
Implementing a continual improvement programme on energy performance, energy efficiency and the overall EnMS. This programme will address the products, processes and other activities with the most significant energy usage.
Developing energy conservation action plans and regularly assessing whether the objectives and targets are being achieved.
Providing employees with the necessary awareness, education and training to implement this energy policy.
Ensuring the availability of information and necessary resources to achieve objectives and energy targets.
Complying with all relevant energy legislation, legal and other requirements, that relate to energy consumption, energy use and energy efficiency.
Incorporating an energy efficiency evaluation dimension to the decision-making process relating to all future capital investments, facility upgrades and contracted services.
Support the procurement of energy efficient products and services that impact energy performance.
Support design activities that consider energy performance improvement.
This Energy Policy Statement has been communicated to all employees and is available to all interested parties and the general public.